Publish date Title Summary
Indigenous Strategic Framework The Indigenous Strategic Framework is a guide; it provides the key issues for consideration in managing Indigenous prisoners and offenders, focussing on systemic issues that can impact on the over-representation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system.
Justice Health Communicable disease framework 2017 The framework sets out the Department's goals and objectives for action on communicable disease.
Justice Health Research and Evaluation Framework 2015-2019 The Justice Health Research and Evaluation Framework applies to health-related research and evaluation activity in Victorian public and private prisons.
Koori Cognitive Skills Final Report 2005 An evaluation of the Koori Cognitive Skills Program Pilots.
Koori Prisoner Mental Health and Cognitive Function Study Examination of the mental health, cognitive functioning, and social and emotional wellbeing of Koori prisoners in Victoria.
Literature review & jurisdictional analysis: young adult offenders This report provides an overview of what works in rehabilitating young adult offenders aged 18 to 25 years.
Location map for Prison and Community Correctional Services (CCS) locations in Victoria Prison and Community Correctional Services (CCS) locations in Victoria.
Loddon Prison and Middleton visitor information brochure Information for people visiting prisoners in Loddon Prison and Middleton.
Metropolitan Remand Centre prisoner and visitor information booklet Information for people visiting prisoners in the Metropolitan Remand Centre.
Monthly time series prison and community corrections data Systemwide monthly time series prison and community corrections, in tabular form.