Commissioner's Requirements
Deputy Commissioner's Instructions
Sentence Management Manual
Correctional Practice Framework
Women's Policy for the Victorian Corrections System
Aboriginal Art Policy Model
Family violence initiatives
Correctional Management Standards
National and international
On this page
Commissioner's Requirements
The Commissioner’s Requirements are high-level requirements for operational matters for all prisons in Victoria. They are issued when specificity is required to ensure consistency and/or continuity of correctional practice across the whole of the prison system, encompassing both publicly and privately managed prisons.
Read or download Commissioner’s Requirements.
Deputy Commissioner's Instructions
Deputy Commissioner’s Instructions apply to public prisons. They put the Correctional Management Standards and Commissioner’s Requirements into operation. They provide a level of prescription and ensure consistency across public prisons. They are developed in consultation with prison management and must properly consider human rights.
Read or download Deputy Commissioner's Instructions.
Sentence Management Manual
The Sentence Management Manual gives guidance to all people involved in sentence management functions. This includes assessment and classification, prisoner management and prisoner transfers. This manual ensures that staff conduct their duties consistently and in line with legal requirements and the principles enshrined in the Offender Management Framework.
Read or download the Sentence Management Manual.
Correctional Practice Framework
The Correctional Practice Framework outlines the theory, evidence base and practice principles that will influence reforms during the next decade in Custodial and Community Correctional Services. It replaces the Offender Management Framework.
Read or download the Correctional Practice Framework.
Women's Policy for the Victorian Corrections System
The Women's Policy for the Victorian Corrections System is to provide an evidence-based framework for addressing the particular issues and offending pathways for women in the corrections system. The policy applies to Corrections Victoria, Justice Health and our key partners involved in delivering services and programs to women offenders.
Read or download the Women’s policy for the Victorian Corrections System.
Aboriginal Art Policy Model
The Statewide Indigenous Arts in Prisons and Community (SIAPC) program, which has been operating since 2010, is delivered by The Torch with oversight by Corrections Victoria's Aboriginal Programs Unit and focuses on the role of culture and cultural identity in the rehabilitative process of Aboriginal prisoners.
Read and download the Aboriginal Art Policy Model.
Family violence initiatives
Download Corrections Victoria's Family Violence Programs and Services Guide and read about the initiatives Corrections Victoria is driving as a result of the Royal Commission into Family Violence (2015), including the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS).
Read about family violence initiatives.
Correctional Management Standards
Correctional Management Standards for Community Correctional Services
Correctional Management Standards for Men's Prisons in Victoria
Correctional Management Standards for Women Serving Community Correctional Orders
Standards for the Management of Women Prisoners in Victoria
Correctional Suicide Prevention Framework
Corrections Alcohol and Drug Strategy 2015
Forensic Alcohol and Other Drugs Treatment Service Delivery Model
Healthcare Services Quality Framework for Victorian Prisons 2023
Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Dependence – Position Statement
Protocol between Mental Health Division and Community Correctional Services
National and international
Guiding Principles for Corrections in Australia
Indigenous Strategic Framework (Australia and New Zealand)
United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-Custodial Measures (the Tokyo Rules) (External link)