The Annual Prisons Statistical Profile presents a series of detailed data sets related to the trends and profiles of people in Victoria’s prisons. 

The statistical data includes: 

  • a profile of people held in Victoria’s prisons on 30 June each year, including demographic and sentencing characteristics, such as sex, age and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status, as well as prior imprisonment, the most serious offence or charge associated with the period of imprisonment, and effective sentence length
  • a profile of prison receptions, people becoming sentenced and people discharged from prison for each financial year, including a disaggregation by sex, age, most serious offence/charge, and legal status
  • profile and performance trends disaggregated for individual prisons over the last five years, including the location of Aboriginal people, unsentenced people and people under protection across the prison system, as well as prison utilisation and movement trends, program participation and prison incident statistics.


Department of Justice and Community Safety - Corrections Victoria
Department of Justice and Community Safety - Corrections Victoria
Date of Publication
About the corrections system

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