Prison enquiries
Community corrections enquiries
Healthcare enquiries
Research enquiries
Media enquiries
Other contacts
On this page
Prison enquiries
To contact a specific prison, see Prisons in Victoria.
For enquiries about adult custodial corrections (prisons and correctional centres), please contact Corrections Victoria.
Community corrections enquiries
To contact a specific Community Correctional Services (CCS) office, see Find a CCS location.
To enquire about community orders and community work, please contact Community Correctional Services (CCS).
Healthcare enquiries
To enquire about healthcare provided to people in prison, please contact Justice Health.
Research enquiries
If you wish to conduct research that involves people, data or information of the corrections system, comprising prisons and community corrections, you must obtain support from the Corrections Victoria Research Committee (CVRC). For information, see Statistics and research.
Media enquiries
For media enquiries and media releases, call 1300 481 978 (External link).
To access media releases from the Minister for Corrections, visit the Premier of Victoria website (External link).
To learn about making a complaint, visit Make a complaint.
Other contacts
Adult Parole Board (External link) makes decisions about whether to grant, deny, defer or cancel someone’s parole.
Justice Assurance and Review Office (JARO) (External link) reviews deaths and other serious incidents in Victorian adult prisons and youth justice facilities.
Post Sentence Authority (External link) monitors people on post sentence orders.
Victims of Crime (External link) is the official Victorian Government service offering free information and support for people affected by crime.
Youth Justice (External link) supervises children and young people who are in the criminal justice system.