Activities in Victorian prisons ensure access to fresh air for at least an hour a day, active, passive, individual and group activities as well as access to on-site library facilities. Prisons may involve outside trained and qualified recreational staff, community agencies or volunteers in conducting activities.
Corrections Victoria aims to provide prisoners with facilities and activities that make a positive contribution to good conduct, morale and rehabilitation. Recreation and fitness are essential to maintaining physical and mental health and also provide opportunities for the constructive use of leisure time and development of positive social habits.
A committee that includes staff and prisoner representatives assists in planning the activities for the prison. The schedule of activities available is displayed on notice boards throughout the prison. Prisoners have the programs, facilities and their participation explained during orientation to the prison. This may include any minimum or maximum participation required at that particular prison.
Chaplaincy and religion
Prisoners have the right to practice their religion of choice.
Corrections Victoria contracts a range of religious organisations that provide services to prisoners of Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jewish, and Greek Orthodox faiths.
Prisoners have access to religious services. A prisoner or family member can also request access to a relevant religious adviser if the prisoner is seriously ill or experiencing a severe emotional crisis.
A Chaplains Advisory Committee is the main consultative and advisory body for Corrections Victoria.
Religious and spiritual support services in Corrections Victoria prisons brochure.