On 20 July 2018 the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) (now the Department of Health) and the Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS) released the Forensic Alcohol and other Drugs Treatment Service Delivery Model (the Model). The Model aims to enhance the forensic Alcohol and other Drugs (AOD) service response to offenders who are on court orders with AOD assessment and treatment conditions.

The primary aims of the Model are:

  • to enhance the forensic AOD service response to offenders on court orders with AOD assessment and treatment conditions
  • to improve the efficacy of AOD treatment.

The following objectives have been developed to achieve the primary aims of the Model:

  • improve referral pathways and access for offenders to AOD services
  • improve the delivery of specialist forensic AOD treatment to offenders
  • enhance the capability of the AOD and Community Correctional Services (CCS) workforces to implement service enhancements
  • develop enhanced and flexible treatment models for forensic clients
  • embed governance over the delivery of services between CCS and AOD (centrally and locally)
  • develop effective reporting and monitoring tools and data systems
  • strengthen collaboration, coordination, and accountability between AOD and CCS sectors.

Collaborative Practice Framework

To achieve the final objective of the Model to strengthen collaboration the Collaborative Practice Framework has been developed to enhance and clarify collaborative practice between CCS, the AOD sector, and the Community Offender Advice and Treatment Service (COATS). 

For more information see Forensic Science (External link) (External link) on Health Victoria.

For further information about the the joint project, email forensicaod@justice.vic.gov.au (External link)

Department of Justice and Community Safety - Corrections and Justice Services
Department of Justice and Community Safety - Corrections and Justice Services
Date of Publication

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