Monthly statistics

Monthly time series prison and community corrections data

Monthly prison and community corrections snapshots

Annual statistics

Annual Prisons Statistical Profile

Annual Community Correctional Services Statistical Profile

Drugs in Victorian prisons

Drugs in Victorian Prisons Report

Other statistical reports

Cost-Benefit Outcomes for Prisoners and Offenders

Women in the Victorian Prison System

More information

See Department of Justice and Community Safety Annual Report 2021-22 (External link) pages 23-26 and 118-120.

See All Adult Parole Board Annual Reports (External link)

See State Budget Paper No.3 2021-22 (External link) pages 291-293 for major output/deliverable performance measures for Effective management of prisoners and offenders and provision of opportunities for rehabilitation and reparation.

See Aboriginal Justice Affairs Report (External link) published by the State Government of Victoria.

See Victorian Sentencing Advisory Council (External link) for statistics about sentencing in Victoria, including imprisonment and community corrections.

See Crime Statistics Agency Victoria (External link) for the latest Victorian crime statistics.

See Corrective Services (External link) in the Report on Government Services.

See Corrective Services Australia (External link) released quarterly by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), and Prisoners in Australia (External link) released annually by ABS.

See Prisoner health publications (External link) for data released by the Australian Institute of Heath and Welfare (AIHW).

See National deaths in custody program (External link) for data released by the Australian Institute of Criminology.

See World Prison Brief data (External link) published by the Institute for Criminal Policy Research at Birkbeck, University of London.