On this page

  • Statistics

  • Research

  • Other sources of data


Monthly time series prison and community corrections data

Monthly prison and community corrections snapshots

Annual Prisons Statistical Profile

Annual Community Correctional Services Statistical Profile

Drugs in Victorian Prisons Report


Acquired brain injury in the Victorian prison system

Best practice principles for the operation of community service schemes

Best practice with women offenders

Consolidated response to reviews of offenders charged with murder

Costbenefit outcomes for prisoners and offenders

Creating a pathway to reintegration: The Correctional Services employment pilot program

From labour to work: Evaluation of and options for Victoria’s prison industries

Independent investigation into the Metropolitan Remand Centre riot

Independent review into the serious assault on Anthony Mokbel at Barwon Prison on 11 February 2019

Koori Cognitive Skills Final Report 2005

Koori Prisoner Mental Health and Cognitive Function Study

Literature review & jurisdictional analysis: young adult offenders

Supported housing for prisoners returning to the community

Women exiting prison in Victoria

Women in the Victorian prison system

Wulgunggo Ngalu Learning Place Final Evaluation Report

Other sources of data