Prisoner placement is the process of ensuring that prisoners are placed in prison locations that are appropriate to prison security and management as well as prisoners’ individual welfare and rehabilitation needs.
Corrections Victoria provides a wide range of program opportunities for prisoners to assist in their rehabilitation and successful return to the community after release from custody.
Independent Prison Visitors are volunteers who provide independent advice to the Minister for Corrections on the operation of Victoria's prison system.
Justice clients are individuals who are undertaking a court-imposed order. Justice clients come from a range of backgrounds, with a variety of skills, and are valuable employees.
Stories and statements
Read news and announcements about people in prison and community corrections in Victoria.
The women at Tarrengower Prison contribute approximately 180 hours per month supporting the local community through community lunches and work with local Country Fire Authority (CFA) stations.
Men at Fulham Correctional Centre are completing intensive dairy industry training in an innovative pilot program offering employment opportunities post-release.