Email (External link) (general enquiries) (External link) (legal and professional visit enquiries - Marngoneet) (External link) (legal and professional visit enquiries - Karreenga)

03 5282 0600 (Marngoneet); 03 5285 0000 (Karreenga)
03 5282 0900 (Marngoneet); 03 5285 0106 (Karreenga)
Postal address
PO Box 273 (Marngoneet)
PO Box 1044 (Karreenga)
Street address
1170 Bacchus Marsh Road (Marngoneet)
1200 Bacchus Marsh Road (Karreenga)

The information on this page is specific to Marngoneet Correctional Centre and Karreenga. Please also refer to current general information about visiting a person in prison


Getting there


Marngoneet Correctional Centre is approximately 60km from Melbourne.

Take the Princes Freeway to Geelong, turn left at the Avalon Airport exit, then turn right over the bridge and follow the signs to Barwon Prison.

Marngoneet is located next to Barwon Prison.

Karreenga is located adjacent to Marngoneet Correctional Centre.

Public transport

A courtesy bus is available to transfers visitors from Lara train station to Marngoneet Correctional Centre and back again on Saturdays and Sundays at the following times:

Saturday and Sunday

Bus departs Lara Station:

  • 10:00 am
  • 11:00 am
  • 12:00 pm
  • 2:00 pm
  • 3:00 pm

Bus departs prisons:

  • 10:30 am
  • 11:30 am
  • 12:30 pm
  • 2:30 pm
  • 3:30 pm

Please note that the courtesy bus does not operate on public holidays. 


Geelong Taxi Network: 131 008


Visiting times

To visit a prisoner you must be on their approved list. Once you are on the list, you can arrange a visit according to the visit session times listed below. Visits must be booked by the prisoner.

On your first visit, please arrive 30 minutes early to allow for staff to enrol you in a number of our systems.

We recommended you phone the prison before you visit to check that there are no issues on the day of your booked visit.


Video visits – Monday and Friday:

  • 11:15 am to 4:00 pm (30 minute visits)

Video visits – Saturday and Sunday:

  • 10:20 am to 4:30 pm (30 minute visits)

In person visits - Saturday and Sunday:

  • 8:15 am to 9:45 am
  • 10:20 am to 12:20 pm
  • 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm
  • 2:40 pm to 4:40 pm


Video Visits – Thursday:

  • 8:30 am to 12:30 am (40 minute visits)

Video Visits – Saturday and Sunday:

  • 8:15 am to 9:00 am
  • 2:00 pm to 4:40 pm  (40 minute visits)

In Person Visits - Saturday and Sunday:

  • 9:00 am to 1:00 pm

Property and money

You may leave property and money (cash only accepted) at Visitor Reception for prisoners.

If a prisoner has already reached their property allowance, no additional items will be accepted.

The following guidelines are provided:

Accepted clothing

Please note: All incoming property (excluding suits) will be put through a “hot” wash and dryer cycle.

  • 4 x sets of underwear (can be jocks, boxer shorts, or combination of both)
  • 4 x pairs of socks
  • 6 x handkerchiefs
  • 2 x white t-shirts and/or 2 x white singlets
  • 2 x black shorts, suitable length, no concealed pockets, no obvious brand markings etc. Zip pockets are also approved providing they are easily identified
  • 2 x white thermal tops or white long johns
  • 1 dressing gown NO HOOD **not green or blue in colour** (only one permitted in prisoner property at any time)
  • 2 x pairs of pyjamas **not green or blue in colour. Not civilian clothing like**
  • Note: All items must be new. No items with logos. Any items that allows the ability to secrete items will also not be accepted. Runners & slides/scuffs are NOT permitted.

Clothing for court or release (has to be approved by Neighbourhood Manager) these will be placed into the prisoner’s property, not issued.

Please note: Clothing will not be accepted unless it is clean.

Accepted items

  • Maximum of 2 newspapers
  • Maximum of 2 reading books
  • 6 photographs (no Polaroids. Up to A4 size only (computer generated photos, regardless of how many photos on it, are accepted as one photo)
  • legal papers


Maximum of 2 magazines.

The following magazines will not be accepted:

  • Restricted Magazines
  • Weapons
  • Excessive violence
  • Hydroponics/Home Brewing
  • Picture and People magazines
  • Tattoo magazines

Please note: The disk will be removed from any magazine that has this as an inclusion.

Unacceptable items

  • Cash and personnel cheques (only money orders or bank cheques will be receipted via the mail).
  • Letter/Envelope/Card with the following:
    • Glitter
    • Paint
    • Glue
    • Stamps
    • Beads
    • Material/Thread/Ribbon/foam/wire
    • Lottery/racing tickets etc
    • Foam
    • Stickers
    • Any type of tapes e.g. Sticky, Masking, Electrical etc
  • Graffiti/Tags/Personal Logs
  • Gang related logos or slogans
  • More than six photos / Polaroid photo/Small photos (Passport size)
  • Laminated item/ Blank Cards / Musical Cards / Oversized card or paper (Up to A4 allowed).
  • Blank envelopes / Blank paper / Home-made paper / Blank Postcards/ Pre stamped and addressed envelopes
  • Naked Photos / Magazine with naked images / inappropriate pictures, photos or drawings
  • Prohibited Magazine (tattoo, military, drug or magazines with naked images)
  • Correction fluid/Tape or Blue tack

Sending money

See Send letters, money or property to a person in prison for details about how much money can be provided to a prisoner and in what format.

When in-person visits are available, money can be dropped off at prisons. You must be on the prisoner’s visitors list to be able to send or drop off money.


Visitor dress standards

As a visitor to a prison, you are required to follow prison rules, including complying with visitor dress standards, which assist in keeping prisons safe. Our location is committed to providing a safe space for all visitors. We are aligned to ensuring child safety standards are maintained at all times. 

There are a range of factors that staff must consider when processing visitors, including the visitor’s clothing or items accompanying the visitor, and the suitability of these items for a prison environment. Such considerations include clothing items that can be used to conceal contraband, conceal a person’s identity, or breach security, or clothing that could lead to unrest or cause incidents among prisoners.

Visitors are encouraged to refer to this list as a guide and to contact the prison directly where they are unsure if their attire will be suitable for a prison visit.

The following clothing items are not permitted for the purpose of a prison visit:

  • Gang affiliated clothing, colours or patches
  • Clothing displaying racist/derogatory/sexist or profane messaging, imagery or symbolism
  • Clothing that is considered to be inappropriately revealing of private body parts or sexually provocative in nature. This may include clothing that is:
    • sheer or see through
    • low cut
    • very short e.g. high cut shorts that reveal upper thigh or buttocks, football shorts, miniskirts
    • exposing e.g. midriff or crop tops
  • Gloves
  • High visibility workwear due to similarity in attire with contracted workers
  • Open-toed shoes
  • Scarves (excluding for religious purposes)
  • Watches including any type of smart watch or Fitbit activity device 

Visitors should also be mindful that the following items may pose a concern:

  • Boots and thick sole shoes
  • Hair pieces such as headbands, scrunchies etc
  • Hooded tops or jumpers
  • Jewellery, particularly where it is excessive
  • Sleeveless or strapless clothing
  • Windcheaters, track-pants or t-shirts that are bottle green (men’s prisons) or royal blue (women’s prisons) due to similarity with prison issued clothing

Please note that there may be other circumstances where an item of clothing is considered to present a security risk or safety concern.

Staff may ask visitors to present an item to be searched, including the removal of hair pieces or jewellery where there are concerns that contraband may be concealed.

You may be asked to place any items of concern into a visitor locker for the duration of your visit.

You may also be required to wear a prison issued T-shirt for visitors.

Failure to follow the prison rules may result in sanctions. This may include entry to the prison being refused, non-contact visits or a possible visiting ban.


Marngoneet profile

Security level



Marngoneet has a combination of cell-style accommodation with meals supplied and cottage style accommodation with self-catering opportunities. 


Officially opened on 3 March 2006, the centre is located near Lara approximately 70km west of Melbourne.

The name 'Marngoneet' is taken from the local Wathaurong community language and means 'to make new'. The development of the facility was supported by the local Wathaurong Aboriginal Cooperative.


Karreenga profile

Security level



Prisoners at Karreenga undertake work/education during the week, in addition to Offence Specific Programs.

They live in self catered, cottage style accommodation and are responsible for budgeting and cooking their own meals. 


Karreenga was officially opened on Friday, 16 September 2016. 

The word 'Karreenga' pays respect to the local Wadawurrung Community and is a Koori word meaning 'to grow'.