Justice Health sets the policy and standards for health care in prison and is responsible for the release of health information.

Health information is collected and handled in accordance with the Health Records Act 2001. Release of health information is governed by the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and the Health Records Act 2001.

For GPs and other health care providers

Justice Health is able to provide a copy of information to GPs and other external health care providers who are involved in ongoing treatment, via the following process:

  1. Requests must be made to Justice Health in writing, on the requesting organisation’s official letterhead.
  2. The letter must be accompanied by the prisoner's written consent to release the information. This must be signed by the patient or their legal representative. Where a legal representative authorises release Justice Health requires appropriate documentation proving legal status. Where a current mental health order is in place and the patient cannot sign a consent to release a copy of the order must be provided.
  3. Email the request with the documents attached, or post it, to Justice Health.

For prisoners, families and legal representatives

Prisoners, their families and legal representatives can make a request for health information under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Requests are managed by the Department of Justice and Community Safety's Freedom of Information Unit.

Make a freedom of information request (External link)

Legal representatives and families wanting a copy of a prisoner’s health information are required to have the prisoner's written consent to release the information prior to making the request.

Download the Prisoner consent to the release of medical information form.

Subpoenaed health records

Health records may be subpoenaed where required in relation to legal proceedings. Subpoenas must be delivered to Justice Health by 4pm on or before the last date of service.

Email: jh.legal@justice.vic.gov.au (External link)

Justice Health
GPO Box 123
Melbourne VIC 3001