Publish date Title Summary
Corrections Victoria - Family violence Notification regarding the initiatives Corrections Victoria is driving as a result of the Royal Commission into Family Violence (2015), including the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS).
Corrections Alcohol and Drug Strategy 2015 This Strategy describes the approach to dealing with alcohol and drug use across all correctional environments in Victoria.
Correctional Suicide Prevention Framework The Framework provides a comprehensive approach to the prevention and management of suicide risk across the correctional system.
Correctional Management Standards for women serving community correctional orders These Community Correctional Orders are specifically for the needs of women under CCS supervision.
Correctional Management Standards for post-sentence supervision & detention of serious sex offenders Post sentence supervision and detention scheme for serious sex offenders.
Correctional Management Standards for men’s prisons in Victoria The 2014 edition of the Standards continues to reflect the department’s commitment to the provision of a safe, secure and humane correctional system.
Correctional Management Standards for Community Correctional Services The Correctional Management Standards for Community Correctional Services establish the minimum requirements for community corrections in Victoria
Consolidated response to reviews of offenders charged with murder The report consolidates information relating to the background and context of each of the three formal reviews into the management of parolees and offenders.
Community work condition on a court order Answers to key questions an offender may have when undertaking unpaid community work.
Commissioner's Requirements - Part 5 Commissioner's Requirements Part 5 deals with healthcare services.