Publish date | Title | Summary |
Koori Cognitive Skills Final Report 2005 | An evaluation of the Koori Cognitive Skills Program Pilots. | |
Koori Prisoner Mental Health and Cognitive Function Study | Examination of the mental health, cognitive functioning, and social and emotional wellbeing of Koori prisoners in Victoria. | |
Literature review & jurisdictional analysis: young adult offenders | This report provides an overview of what works in rehabilitating young adult offenders aged 18 to 25 years. | |
Loddon Prison and Middleton visitor information brochure | Information for people visiting prisoners in Loddon Prison and Middleton. | |
Metropolitan Remand Centre prisoner and visitor information booklet | Information for people visiting prisoners in the Metropolitan Remand Centre. | |
Monthly time series prison and community corrections data | Systemwide monthly time series prison and community corrections, in tabular form. | |
Offender Management Framework | Corrections Victoria's offender management practices are linked to evidence-based theory and enables a consistent, system-wide approach to offender management. | |
Port Phillip Prison Visitor Information | Information for people visiting prisoners in Port Phillip Prison, including dress standard. | |
Prison-based mothers and children programs | This literature review was conducted by The University of Melbourne in partnership with Save the Children Australia and the Peabody Research Institute to better inform future program development of mothers and children programs in the Victorian prison system | |
Prisoner consent to the release of medical information form | Authority for release of health information. |