Publish date Title Summary
Corrections Alcohol and Drug Strategy 2015 This Strategy describes the approach to dealing with alcohol and drug use across all correctional environments in Victoria.
Cost-Benefit outcomes for prisoners and offenders This report provides an account of broader costs and savings accrues by the individual, their family, the government and the community.
Creating a pathway to reintegration: The Correctional Services employment pilot program This is an evaluation report of the Correctional Services Employment Pilot Program that was conducted during 2004.
Deputy Commissioner's Instructions - Prisoner Management Part 2 of the Deputy Commissioner’s Instructions apply to Victoria's public prisons and provide a level of prescription and ensure consistency across facilities.
Deputy Commissioner's Instructions - Security and Control Part 1 of the Deputy Commissioner’s Instructions apply to Victoria's public prisons and provide a level of prescription and ensure consistency across facilities.
Deputy Commissioner's Instructions Part 4: Prisoner Services Part 4 of the Deputy Commissioner’s Instructions cover food, clothing, money and other prisoner services. They apply to Victoria's public prisons and ensure consistency across facilities.
Drugs in Victorian Prisons Report 2016 Drugs in Victorian prisons monthly reports for 2016.
Drugs in Victorian Prisons Report 2017 Drugs in Victorian prisons monthly reports for 2017.
Drugs in Victorian Prisons Report 2018 Drugs in Victorian prisons monthly reports for 2018.
Drugs in Victorian Prisons Report 2019 Drugs in Victorian prisons monthly reports for 2019.