Publish date Title Summary
Aboriginal Art Policy Model Sets out a policy model to enable Aboriginal prisoners to sell artwork produced through participation in The Torch's Indigenous Arts program.
Aboriginal Wellbeing Officer Recruitment and Retention Strategy This document details a strategy to attract, recruit and retain suitable candidates to the position of Aboriginal Wellbeing Officer in Victorian prisons.
Acquired brain injury in the Victorian prison system This research explores the prevalence of Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) in the Victorian prison population.
Annual Community Correctional Services Statistical Profile Download data representing the statistical profile of people managed by Community Correctional Services (CCS) as at 30 June each year.
Annual Prisons Statistical Profile Access a series of detailed data sets related to the trends and profiles of people in Victorian prisons.
Application for a prisoner to consult a private health practitioner Prisoners use this form to apply to the Principal Medical Officer to consult a private health practitioner of their choice (a medical officer, dentist, physiotherapist or chiropractor).
Barwon Prison visitor information Information for people visiting prisoners in Barwon Prison
Best practice principles for the operation of community service schemes Best Practice Principles for the Operation of Community Service Schemes - a systematic review of the literature.
Best practice with women offenders This report looks at national and international research into the effectiveness of services, programs and interventions for women offenders.
Commissioner's Requirements - Part 1 Commissioner's Requirements Part 1 deals with security and control.